“Israel, the Palestinians and the Myth of David and Goliath”
“Progressivism and Equality vs. Equity”
“Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, “I vs We” and Identity Politics”
“Why I Might Never Again Vote in a U.S. Election”
“France’s Reign of Terror and Today’s Cancel Culture”
“Homegrown Terrorists Being Released From Prison”
“The Case Against Forgiving Student Debt”
“Should Robots Be Granted Personhood?”
“Why President Trump Cut Funding to UNRWA”
“John Walker Lindh, American Taliban”
“Think Scripted TV Isn’t Educational? Watch A French Village”
“The Ancient Art of Yoga, and Why It’s Relevant Today”
“When Socialism Plays Out, Expect Misery”
“It’s the President’s Right to Pardon Whomever He Chooses”
“Feel You’ve ‘Completed’ Your Life? You Can Die Now”
Latest Publications
Feel You’ve “Completed” Your Life? You Can Die NowLast year, about 5,000 people ended their lives using Holland’s End-of-Life clinics—about 4% of total deaths—and experts say the number is rising about 10% a year.Continue reading here »John Walker Lindh, American Taliban
Lindh is only one of about 300 homegrown violent extremists scheduled for release in the next few years, and the intelligence community is highly concerned about their potential for recidivism.
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The Ancient Art of Yoga and Why It’s Relevant Today There’s a reason this ancient art has endured. Yes, it burns calories and tones muscles, making you lean and fit. Yes, taking the time out from a crazy day to meditate and stretch will cultivate mental calmness. But it’s so much more.
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